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We are privileged to present the works of W. Lawrence Nash and Hunter Mackenzie whose works are shown on dedicated pages.


Throughout his career, W. Lawrence Nash has created many memorable characters and captivating stories which have captured the hearts and imaginations of readers around the world. With a dedication to quality and an unwavering commitment to his craft, W. Lawrence Nash has become a respected name in the fiction writer industry, known for delivering outstanding experiences to fans everywhere. With each new story and each new character, he succeeds in delivering a book which is meaningful, thought-provoking, and, above all, entertaining. Whether you're a fan of action-packed detective adventures, heartwarming tales, or gut-wrenching drama, there's something for everyone in the world of W. Lawrence Nash. So, join us on this journey, and discover the work of W. Lawrence Nash for yourself. Flabberghost is privileged to share his stories with you.


Hunter Mackenzie's work will lead you to health through meditation and diet, with humor and beautifully written insight. She asks the question of Seniors; ‘Can Meditation make you smart?’, and demonstrates to you the answer is a resounding ‘yes’.   

                                      Featured book of the month

             Frank McCord and the China Blues

Best Seller

boy flying through time to a new adventure on a skateboard
Handsome detective in a fedora looking at a clue with vortex of time behind him
Handsome detective in a fedora looking at a clue with vortex of time behind him
beautiful woman  and handsome man looking mysterious with brilliantly colored test tubes of unknow contents in front of them
beautiful woman  and handsome man looking mysterious with brilliantly colored test tubes of unknow contents in front of them
Sailing ship in the fog behind detective in trench coat and fedora huddled for warmth
Sailing ship in the fog behind detective in trench coat and fedora huddled for warmth
Detective in trench coat and fedora with Chinese pagoda in the distance
Detective in trench coat standing in front of pagoda
senior man and woman meditating in the lotus position below text of stop anxiety and heal your memory
senior man and woman meditating in the lotus position below text of stop anxiety and heal your memory
array of healthy foods like salmon and avocado and nuts for keto diet
array of healthy foods like salmon and avocado and nuts for keto diet
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